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Opening: from december 14, 2024 to April 21, 2025
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Our Commitments

Classification and commitments of the Tourist Office of Sainte Foy Tarentaise

The Tourist Office of Sainte Foy Tarentaise classified in category III belongs to the network Offices de Tourisme de France.

The Tourist Office of Sainte Foy Tarentaise is committed to :

  • Provide you with an easy to access reception area and information area.
  • Provide you with a trip advisor for your stay.
  • Inform you free of charge of the local tourism offer.
  • Ensure a continuous reception service by staff able to speak at least one foreign language.
  • Ensure the provision of maps, plans and tourist guides in paper versions.
  • Give you access to our bilingual website.
  • Disseminate our tourist information on paper as well translated into at least one foreign language with regard to:
    • all classified tourist accommodation with at least the name of the establishment, postal address, e-mail, website address, telephone number, classification level;
    • monuments and natural or leisure cultural attractions, which may include the indication of admission prices, opening periods and hours to the public, the website and telephone and postal address;
    • entertainment and events;
    • emergency phone numbers
  • Ensure the reliability and timeliness of information on local tourism.
  • Update our tourism information annually.
  • Present all qualified offers for our area of intervention for all customers.
  • Be opened at least 120 days a year on Saturday and Sunday included in tourist period or of animation.
  • Show and spread his periods of opening expressed in a foreign language at least.
  • Answer all year long your mails.
  • Provide you with seating facilities to sit down
  • Display the emergency phone numbers on the outside.
  • Handle your complaints and measure your satisfaction.

Quality manual of the Tourist Office of Sainte Foy Tarentaise


What is your opinion about the services of our Tourist Office ?
Your opinion interests us, and help us to improve our services. We thank you in advance.


This form is done in purpose to simplify the process in order that your opinion or request will be treated the most effectively possible.
It will be addressed straight to the concerned service ant to the direction of the Tourist Office. The forms analysis will allow to define improvement actions.